Kami sepakat nak bawa Im dan Nop ke Kidzania semasa cuti sekolah. During weekdays. Weekend mesti lagi ramai mak pak plan nak bawa anak-anak kan?
Beli tiket di ground floor, dewasa RM35, kanak-kanak RM55. Macam nak check-in naik AirAsia. Selepas beli tiket, terus naik ke tingkat 4. Dari situ guna escalator naik ke tingkat 5. That's the happening floor!
Lepas checked-in, budak-budak dapat mock duit with face value 50 kidzos. Masuk-masuk, it's not so crowded, good for us! :) Then we went to CIMB, for kids to change the money :). Beratur, pergi kaunter, semua kena buat sendiri. Good for them to experience kan :)
Dalam tak ramai tu pun, boleh tahan juga menunggu dalam barisan nak cuba setiap 'bidang kerja'. Setiap bidang kerjaya memang ada mock-up place.
Mula-mula, budak berdua cuba jadi polis. We just left them in the balai polis. Tunggu kat luar. It's for the kids to 'feel' how / what the work is. They were asked to find something. They seemed happy at the end of the job. Im lagi seronok sebab dapat duit! Kidzos! Each field, lepas try budak-budak akan dapat 'gaji'. Tu yang kat fb i updated status 'im nak kerja lagi..nak kumpul duit'. hehe.
Nop kata dia tak suka bab-bab kena bagi tabik.. tengok la muka dia. Ni photographer yang ambil... |
Lepas jadi polis, jadi doktor pulak. Ni KPJ yang sponsor. So you'll see mock-up KPJ punya hospital, you will not see others' logo except KPJ. hihi. Ada 3 choices; surgeon, nursery and endoscopy. Since they are not sure / don't know what to choose, mommy chose for them. I chose endoscopy for them. Complete attire nak masuk bilik bedah. :)
'Peace mama' :) obviously mama snap gambar kan.. hihi dari kejauhan ... |
ada tokoh tak? this one pun taken by their photographer |
Selepas jadi doktor, sebelah tu ada kedai buat ice-cream. I was excited. All the tools are there. I can see chocolate la... Just imagine! haha. Tapi sebab kena tunggu for 25 minutes, as there was another batch of kids kat dalam, we decided to look for another work. next visit maybe? haha.
OK, so we found AirAsia. Off to be a pilot pula. Nop sibuk cakap popilot popilot. Penat dok betulkan "bukan popilot Nop, pilot aje". Bila sampai rumah, baru la Im terangkan (bila dia dah teringat), rupa-rupanya ada cerita kartun watak popilot. ish ishh....
Below 1st picture, is the limit for us to snap some pictures. The following 2 pictures were taken by their (KZ) photographer. Adult is not allowed to enter the 'cockpit' :P
If not mistaken, dapat 8 kidzos lepas jadi pilot. hehe. Jadi polis tak sure pula...
ready to fly? |
handsome! |
abang handsome :) |
Nampak pula poslaju! this is another sponsor dalam KidZania. Im and Nop enjoyed this so much! They said this was fun. Sebab ada instruction kena cari barang kat 'merchant / sponsor' lain, then kena bawa balik ke poslaju. They had to find the place to get the barang! and mereka tak sesat! huhu bangga mama tau.
serius mendengar taklimat. |
We were told this, fire-fighter among the popular kerjaya at KidZania! :) mungkin sebab ada lori bomba (betul ke nama dia lori bomba? :P), siap ada siren lagi, then ada mock-up hotel yang terbakar, budak-budak kena padamkan api menggunakan air dari pili air yang betul. teruja budak-budak ni....
Tapi yang ni, menunggu memang lama! Im sahaja yang cuba, Nop taknak. sebab dia nak menjadi artis. huhu!
errr ntah berapa Im dapat 'gaji' being a fire-fighter.
seriusnya abang Im! |
haha. seriously, look at his pose! macam artis betul la! this got no gaji, instead he had to pay 5 kidzos to play being an artist. :)
wow! look at the setup :) |
This took us around 4 hours to complete! plus the waiting time... 1 visit is not enough. huhu. Budak berdua dah minta nak pergi lagi...aduhaiii.....
OK, what happened to the kidzos? there's 1 shop meant for kids only. terpampang kat pintu adult not allowed. betul! tak tipu. so kids masuk dalam, with all the accumulated money (kidzos) they have, pilih mana barang yang depa boleh exchange with. since their combined money tak dapat nak tukar dengan apa-apa, kami bawa balik la duit tu. if..IF.. datang lagi next time, mungkin ada barang they can bring home.
that's a lot of money you know!
lupa nak mentioned, if not mistaken, they are having a promo this school holiday. so called boarding pass from this period, simpan, boleh guna untuk next visit in Feb / March, and get 20% off.