p/s: update on blog owner my small kitchen!. silap ingat nama. hazila ye, bukan haliza. mahap yek!
SBF pergi menyabit pagi ahad. dan i dah berkira-kira nak buat puding roti, masa kami makan malam kat luar malam sabtu tu. sebelum sampai rumah, cepat-cepat ingatkan dia, jangan lupa singgah kedai beli roti. bahan lain dah ada.
resepi asal kat blog haliza (my small kitchen). tapi sebab pisang yang SBF beli minggu lepas dah tak bersisa, i buat ni omit the banana je. hehe
syedappp.....mengimbau kenangan 1st time makan puding roti berpuluh tahun lepas. pergi beraya rumah kawan mak, sedap betul custard tu. haha. bukan roti yang i ingat. kalau tanya sekarang, the actual taste masa tu, memang tak ingat dah. tapi pengalaman "oh sedapnya" tu je yang melekat!
one of my friend, a single mother of 4 once told me. how she used to wake up early, like 5 am just to go to the wet market on weekdays, to get fresh ingredients, for her children. then, she realizes, from the conversation she had with them, that they remember either the happy thought, or the sad moments. not to the specific details of what. it's just the happy, the sad that they remember the most.
oh my! nanti nak try buat gak lah...teringin nak makan puding roti nih!
Drama Mama,
resepi simple dan senang sangat nak buat :D
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